The “Dutch nOcturnal and hoME dialysis Study To Improve Clinical Outcomes” (DOMESTICO) is a nation-wide initiative that aims to revive home dialysis in the Netherlands by providing insight into the effect of home dialysis on the quality of life and clinical outcomes of patients in relation to total financial costs.
DOMESTICO is supported by the following parties: Nefrovisie, Dutch Federation of Nephrology (NFN), Dutch Society of Internal Medicine (NIV), Dutch Kidney Patients Association (NVN), Dutch Kidney Foundation (Nierstichting), Dutch national professional nurses organisation (V&VN), The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), industry and health insurers.

Prospective Study
The DOMESTICO project aims to remove barriers for home dialysis by conducting a prospective multicentre study to investigate the effect of home dialysis on the quality of life and clinical outcomes of patients in relation to total financial costs

Retrospective Study
The retrospective study aims to identify causes for technique failure (reasons a patient had to stop with home dialysis) in order to potentially address the modifiable causes in the future.

Good Practices
‘Good Practices & Shared Decision Making’ is a project that focusses mainly on the process of Shared Decision Making during education of End Stage Kidney Disease.

Informal caregiver project
The informal caregiver project aims to assess the trajectory of the experiences (both positive and negative) and HRQoL of caregivers of patients who start home dialysis in comparison to caregivers of patients who start in-centre HD.